Sefer Mitzvot Classification
Below each mitzavah coded marking are use in this book
When Yeshua came to interpret the Torah, the Key to understanding and appreciate the Ten Mitzvot is that He emphasize to us, that we are to love one another, just like He have loved us; that we also love one another. "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the Torah, (Rom 13:8) and also by this everyone will know that you are my talmidim (disciple), if you have love for one another." (Yochanan 13:34 HNV) To have a practical Christian living is to have His Mitzvot in our heart and his promise that we trust His plan for our lives. Our Master gives us His Ruach HaKodesh ability to fulfill the Ten Mitzvot agreements.
In this website I have cross reference with the Brit Hadashah, attached with some keynotes and link scripture references. The 613 is divided into 3 main categories Priest Prophet and King. We can see that Messiah Yeshua is all in all the Great High Priest (order of Malkitzedek), the Prophet and the King all these you can read in the book of Hebrews of the Apostolic writings . We can also see that Ya'ir's daughter had recognise Messiah Yeshua is a Kosher Rabbi, the living Torah is in Him that her faith in Messiah Yeshua led her to reach forth and touched the tzitzit (the Hem of the garment) on Messiah Yeshua's robe and she was healed. (read Matthew 9:20 - 22; Mark 5:21 - 43; Luke 8:40 - 56 complete Jewish Bible). Basically I find the way these commands format like unto a quick bookmark notes that allows searching the instructions of the scripture easily and eyecatching. It helps me to impressed upon my mind on the instruction more quicker, I can go deep to read more from the Tenakh. I trust that you will the 613 Key points of the mitzvot handy to use.
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, His full name was Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon. His name formed the acronym as "The Rambam" was born on the 14th of Nisan 4895 (30th March 1135) and he died on the 20th of Tevet of 4965 (Dec. 13 1204). The Rambam was one of the most saught after individuals of his time. Not only as a Halachic authority, but also within the secular world of kings and sultans, for his vast knowledge of secular medecines was outstanding. When writting the Mishna Torah, Ramban reviewed the Torah's Mitzvot, and he itemized them. He seperated the positive and negative mitzvot, listed them, all 613, and discussed them. As well, the Rambam added to his work of Talmud Torah (a guide on learning) a nice section of Mussar. The book of Da'ot and the Talmud Torah.
The Ramba'm - Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides) 1135 - 1204 CE by © Eliezer C. Abrahamson
This is what we will review here. Here I see there are 248 are positive mitzvot and I was told that 248 positive is suppose to represents our 248 different organs of our body. The 365 are negative mitzvot which is our 365 days of our Solar calender.
The Jewish People are enjoined to observe the 613 Divine commandments inscribed in the Torah but with the destruction of the Beit Ha Mikdash and the dispersion of the Nation, observance of many of the mitzvot has become impossible. In the absence of clear guidelines, the righteous modern Jew who wishes to fulfill his obligations to his Creator would have great difficulty in deciding which Torah commandments pertain today and which do not. To facilitate contemporary mitzvah observance, the Chafetz Chayim compiled his sefer ha Mitzvoth ha Katzar, a concise volume listing all the positive and negative commandments applicable in our time. Suggest to get a copy of this a pocket size hard cover book that is very handy travel size. it including a supplement on the commandments contigent upon the land of Yisrael.
The first person to officially attempt to codify and enumerate the Taryag Mitzvot was Rabbi Shimon Kaeira -Key to the Mitzvah Markings
General Markings. Each Torah mitzvah is encoded so that the reader can immediately understand basic things about the mitzvah.
1. Each mitzvah code in enclosed in brackets that appear immediately before the actual mitzvah within the context of a particular scripture citation.
When more than one mitzvah occurs in a passage, a mitzvah may be underlined so the reader can easily find the mitzvah.
2. The first encoded marking in the mitzvah code indicates whether the mitzvah is negative or positive – thus, the reader will find an "n" or a "p" as the first marking in the code.
3. The next encoded marking is the Rambam number of the mitzvah. Positive mitzvot range from 1 to 248 while negative mitzvot range from 1 to 365. Thus, the student will find [n123] to indicate negative mitzvah #123 and [p224] to indicate positive mitzvah #224. The numbering system is taken solely from Rambam’s Safer HaMitzvot.
4. Additional markings appear after these indicators. Those markings are associated with the mitzvah’s classification as a Noachide Mitzvah, a Land of Israel Mitzvah, a Jewish Mitzvah, or a Kohanim Mitzvah. Those additional markings are explained below.
Noachide Markings.
The Noachide Mitzvot are mitzvot that are associated with one of the seven broad categories of the Noachide Regulations. They all must be obeyed literally by both Jews and gentiles. These are universal moral obligations for all mankind.The encoded markings for the Noachide Mitzvot always include a capital “N” followed by a number ranging from one to seven. The N refers to the word Noachide and the number indicates which of the seven Noachide Regulations the mitzvah falls under. This example [p210N7] is interpreted as positive mitzvah #210, which is a Noachide mitzvah falling under the seventh Noachide Regulation.Ex. 20:12 [p210N7] Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Land of Israel Markings.
The Land of Israel Mitzvot are regulations that are intended to be fulfilled literally by those living in the Land of Israel.
In most cases, it is not possible for those living outside of the Promised Land to fulfill these mitzvot literally. Nevertheless, that fact does not make those mitzvot of "no effect" to those living outside of the Promised Land. There are broad spiritual applications for each of the Land of Israel Mitzvot that apply to the lifestyle of all believers inside and outside of the Promised Land. Thus, while we may not be able to enjoin these mitzvot literally, we can obey the universal spiritual principles that lay behind the literal mitzvot.
The encoded markings for the Land of Israel Mitzvot always include a capital “L” after the Rambam designation. The L refers to the phrase "Land of Israel."The example below contains two mitzvot: negative #49 and positive #187. Both are followed by an "L" indicating that they were given to Israel to be fulfilled literally within the confines of the Land of Israel.
While they were to be fulfilled literally in the Land, both of the mitzvot contain universal spiritual principles that are applicable to all believers. Deut. 20:16-18 [n49L] “But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. [p187L] But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee. That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.”
Jewish Markings.
The Jewish Mitzvot are those mitzvot that are compulsory literally for Jews and not for Gentiles. Most of the Jewish Mitzvot, however, can be obeyed by gentiles, if they wish. There are only four mitzvot that gentiles may not obey since those four mitzvot are directly related to "signs" of Adonai's special commitment to the ethnic Jews. Those four mitzvot are circumcision (for religious purposes), rabbinical observance of Shabbat, and wearing of the phylacteries on the head and hand. All four of these are special "signs" between Adonai and the Jewish people regarding His special relationship with them. It is wrong for gentiles to attempt to fulfill these mitzvot literally. The following are three examples of Jewish mitzvot (two of which are restricted only to Jews -- one of which may be obeyed by gentiles, if they wish). Deut. 6:8-9 “You shall [p13J] bind them as a sign on your hand, and [p12J] they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. [p15J] You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (JPS)
Kohanim Markings.
The Kohanim Mitzvot are regulations associated with the ministering body of Israel: The Kohein Gadol, the common kohanim, and the Levites. These mitzvot can only be fulfilled literally by a select class of individuals in the Land of Israel only when there is a functioning Temple or Tabernacle. Since there is not a Temple today, these mitzvot cannot be literally fulfilled. Nevertheless, as was the case with all of the other mitzvot, there are universal spiritual principles that apply to all mankind. Those universal spiritual principles should be followed and obeyed by all people. The encoded markings for the Kohanim Mitzvot always include a capital “K” after the Rambam number. A number ranging from one to three always follows the "K". The K refers to the word Kohanim and the number indicates which of the three categories the mitzvah falls under. K1 is the category of the Kohein Gadol, K2 is the category of the common kohanim, and K3 is the category of the Levites.
613 Mitzvot list according Scripture order
K= Kohanim Mitzvot, three distinct sub-group K1- Kohen Gadol, K2 - common kohanim; K3 - LevitesJ= Jewish people goy optionalTen commandment category index table content
Hebraic Transliteration Scripture
The 248 Positive Mitzvot (Commandments)
The 365 Negative Mitzvot/Commandments:
Text files TXT
P1N1 Shemot 20:2 To believe in Elohim: I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
==> (N1N1) “You shall have no other gods before Me.
P2N1 Dvarim 6:4 Shema O Yisrael ADONAI our Eloheinu Echad ADONAI - To acknowledge the ONEness of Elohim (Echad)
P3 Dvarim 6:5 To love ADONAI thy Elohim with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
P 4N1 Dvarim 6:13 To fear Elohim; worship Elohim Yeshua quote this verse when ha satan tempter MattitYahu 4:10
P 5N1 Shemot 23:25; To serve Elohim Dvarim11:13; 13:5
P 6N1 Dvarim 10:20 To cleave to Elohim (holdfast, pursue closely)
P 7 Dvarim 10:20 On taking an oath by Elohim's Name
P 8N1 Dvarim 28:9 On walking in Elohim's ways
P 9 Vayikra 22:32 On Sanctifying Elohim's Name
TORAH Jewish Mitzvot - J
P 10 Dvarim 6:7 On reciting the Sh'ma each morning and evening
P 11 Dvarim 6:7 On studying and teaching Torah
P 12 Dvarim 6:8 On binding Tefillin on the head
P 13 Dvarim 6:8 On binding Tefillin on the hand
P 14N1 B'midbar15:38 On making Tzitzit with thread of blue, garments corners - N47N1
P 15 Dvarim 6:9 On affixing a Mezuzah to doorposts and gates
P 16 Dvarim31:12 On Assembling each 7th year to hear the Torah read
P 17 Dvarim17:18 On that a king must write a copy of Torah for himself
P 18N1 Dvarim31:19 On that everyone should have a Torah scroll
P 19 Dvarim 8:10 On praising Elohim after eating, Grace after meals - Brikat HaMazon
P 20K2 Shemot 25:8 make HIM a sanctuary ; that ADONAI Elohim may dwell among them.
P 21 Vayikra19:30 On respecting the Sanctuary
P 22 B'midbar 18:4 On guarding the Sanctuary
P 23 B'midbar18:23 On Levitical services in the Tabernacle
P 24 Shemot 30:19 On Kohanim washing hands & feet before entering Temple
P 25 Shemot 27:21 On kindling the Menorah by the Kohanim
P 26 B'midbar 6:23 On the Kohanim blessing Israel
P 27 Shemot25:30 On the Showbread before the Ark Lechem HaPanim
P 28N1 Shemot 30:7 On Burning the Incense on the Golden Altar twice daily
P 29 Vayikra 6:6 On the perpetual fire on the Altar
P 30 Vayikra 6:3 On removing the ashes from the Altar
P 31 B'midbar 5:2 On removing unclean persons from the camp
P 32 Vayikra 21:8 On honoring the Kohanim
P 33 Shemot 28:2 On the garments of the Kohanim
P 34 B'midbar 7:9 On Kohanim bearing the Ark on their shoulders
P 35 Shemot 30:31 On the Set apart anointing oil (also see N83K2, N84)
P 36 Dvarim 18:6-8 On the Kohanim ministering in rotation/watches
P 37 Vayikra 21:2-3 On the Kohanim being defiled for dead relatives
P 38 Vayikra 21:13 On that Kohan haGadol may only marry a virgin
P 39 B'midbar 28:3 On the twice Daily Burnt, tamid, offerings
Olah Talmid
P 40 Vayikra6:13 On Kohan haGadol's twice daily meal offering
P 41 B'midbar 28:9 On the Shabbat additional, musaf, offering
P 42 B'midbar 28:11 On the New Moon, Rosh Chodesh, additional offering
P 43 Vayikra 23:36 On the Pesach additional offering
P 44 Vayikra 23:10 On the second day of Pesach meal offering of the Omer
P 45 B'midbar 28:26 On the Shavuot additional, musaf, offering -27
P 46 Vayikra 23:17 On the Two Loaves of bread Wave offering on Shavuot
P 47 B'midbar 29:1-2 On the Rosh HaShannah additional offering
P 48 B'midbar 29:7-8 On the Yom Kippur additional offering
P 49 Vayikra 16:29 On the service of Yom Kippur, Avodah
P 50 B'midbar 29:13 On the Sukkot, musaf, offerings
P 51 B'midbar 29:36 On the Shemini Atzeret additional offering
P 52 Shemot 23:14 On the three annual Festival pilgrimages to the Temple
P 53 Shemot 34:23; On appearing before ADONAI during the Festivals Dvarim16:16
P 54 Dvarim 16:14 On rejoicing on the Festivals
P 55 Shemot 12:6 On the 14th of Nisan slaughtering the Pesach lamb
P 56 Shemot 12:8 On eating the roasted Pesach lamb night of Nisan 15
P 57 B'midbar 9:11 On slaughtering the Pesach Sheini, Iyyar 14, offering
P 58 B'midbar 9:11; On eating the Pesach Sheini lamb with Matzah and Maror Shemot12:8
P 59 B'midbar 10:9 Trumpets for Feast sacrifices brought & for tribulation -10
P 60 Vayikra 22:27 On minimum age of cattle to be offered
P 61 Vayikra 22:21 On offering only unblemished sacrifices
P 62 Vayikra 2:13 On bringing salt with every offering
P 63 Vayikra 1:2 On the Burnt-Offering Olah
P 64 Vayikra 6:18 On the Sin-Offering Khata'at
P 65 Vayikra 7:1 On the Guilt-Offering Asham
P 66 Vayikra 3:1 On the Peace-Offering Shelamim
P 67 Vayikra 2:1; On the Meal-Offering 6:7 Minkhah
P 68 Vayikra 4:13 On offerings for a Court (Sanhedrin) that has erred
P 69 Vayikra 4:27 Fixed Sin-Offering, by one unknowingly breaking a karet fixed Khata'at
P 70 Vayikra 5:17 Suspensive Guilt-Offering if doubt of breaking a karet -18
P 71 Vayikra 5:15; Unconditional Guilt-Offering, for stealing, etc. 19:20-21
P 72 Vayikra 5:1-11 Offering higher or lower value, according to ones means
P 73 B'midbar 5:6-7 To confess one's sins before Elohim and repent from them
P 74 Vayikra 15:13 On offering brought by a zav (man with a discharge) -15
P 75 Vayikra 15:28 Offering brought by a zavah (woman with a discharge) -29
P 76 Vayikra 12:6 On offering brought by a woman after childbirth
P 77 Vayikra 14:10 On offering brought by a leper after being cleansed
P 78 Vayikra 27:32 On the Tithe of one's cattle
P 79 Shemot 13:2 Sacrificing the First-born of clean (permitted) cattle
P 80 Shemot 22:28; On Redeeming the First-born of man, Pidyon ha-ben B'midbar18:15
P 81 Shemot 34:20 On Redeeming the firstling of an ass, if not...
P 82 Shemot 13:13 ...breaking the neck of the firstling of an ass
P 83 Dvarim 12:5-6 On bringing due offerings to Yerushalayim without delay
P 84 Dvarim 12:14 All offerings must be brought only to the Sanctuary
P 85 Dvarim 12:36 On offerings due from outside Israel to the Sanctuary
P 86 Dvarim 12:15 On Redeeming blemished ~ymt sanctified animal offerings
P 87 Vayikra 27:33 On the holiness of substituted animal offerings
P 88 Vayikra 6:9 On Kohanim eating the remainder of the Meal Offerings
P 89 Shemot 29:33 On Kohanim eating the meat of Sin and Guilt Offerings
P 90 Vayikra 7:19 Burn Consecrated Offerings that've become ~ymt Tamei/unclean
P 91 Vayikra 7:17 Burn remnant of Consecrated Offerings not eaten in time VOWS
P 92 B'midbar 6:5 The Nazir letting his hair grow during his separation
P 93 B'midbar 6:18 Nazir completing vow shaves his head & brings sacrifice
P 94 Dvarim 23:24 On that a man must honor his oral vows and oaths
P 95 B'midbar 30:3 On that a judge can annul vows, only according to Torah
RITUAL PURITY - Niddah; Tumah; Tzara'at
P 96 Vayikra 11:8, Defilement by touching certain animal carcasses, &... 24
P 97 Vayikra 11:29 touching carcasses of eight creeping creatures -31
P 98 Vayikra 11:34 Defilement of food & drink, if contacting unclean thing
P 99 Vayikra 15:19 On Tumah of a menstruant woman
P100 Vayikra 12:2 On Tumah of a woman after childbirth
P101 Vayikra 13:3 On Tumah of a leper
P102 Vayikra 13:51 On garments contaminated by leprosy
P103 Vayikra 14:44 On a leprous (tzara'at) house
P104 Vayikra 15:2 On Tumah of a zav (man with a running issue)
P105 Vayikra 15:6 On Tumah of semen
P106 Vayikra 15:19 Tumah of a zavah (woman suffering from a running issue)
P107 B'midbar 19:14 On Tumah of a human corpse
P108 B'midbar 19:13, Law of the purification
water of sprinkling, tamei niddah 21
This is the law of the water
for sprinkling. The water was made from the ashes of the red heifer and was used for 19
forms of cleansing
P109 Vayikra 15:16 On immersing in a mikveh to become ritually clean
P110 Vayikra 14:2 On the specified procedure of cleansing from leprosy
P111 Vayikra 14:9 On that a leper must shave his head
P112 Vayikra 13:45 On that the leper must be made easily distinguishable
P113 B'midbar 19:2-9 On Ashes of the Red Heifer, used in ritual purification
P114 Vayikra 27:2-8 On the valuation for a person himself to the Temple
P115 Vayikra 27:11 On the valuation for an unclean beast to the Temple -12
P116 Vayikra 27:14 On the valuation of a house as a donation to the Temple
P117 Vayikra 27:16, On the valuation of a field as a donation to the Temple 22-23
P118 Vayikra 5:16 If benefit from Temple property, restitution plus 1/5th
P119 Vayikra 19:24 On the fruits of the trees fourth year's growth
P120 Vayikra 19:9 On leaving the corners (Peah) of fields for the poor
P121 Vayikra 19:9 On leaving gleanings of the field for the poor
P122 Dvarim 24:19 On leaving the forgotten sheaf for the poor
P123 Vayikra 19:19 On leaving the misformed grape clusters for the poor
P124 Vayikra 19:10 On leaving grape gleanings for the poor
P125 Shemot 23:19 On separating & bringing First-fruits to the Sanctuary
P126 Dvarim 18:4 To separate the great Heave-offering (terumah)
P127 Vayikra 27:30; To set aside the first tithe to the Levites B'midbar18:24
P128 Dvarim 14:22 To set aside the second tithe, eaten only in Yerushalayim
P129 B'midbar 18:26 On Levites' giving tenth of their tithe to the Kohanim
P130 Dvarim 14:28 To set aside the poor-man's tithe in 3rd and 6th year
P131 Dvarim 26:13 A declaration made when separating the various tithes
P132 Dvarim 26:5 A declaration made bringing First-fruits to the Temple
P133 B'midbar 15:20 On the first portion of the Challah given to the Kohan
P134 Shemot 23:11 On ownerless produce of the Sabbatical year (shemittah)
P135 Shemot 34:21 On resting the land on the Sabbatical year
P136 Vayikra 25:10 On sanctifying the Jubilee (50th) year
P137 Vayikra 25:9 Blow Shofar on Yom Kippur in the Jubilee & slaves freed
P138 Vayikra 25:24 Reversion of the land to ancestral owners in Jubilee yr
P139 Vayikra 25:24 On the redemption of a house within a year of the sale
P140 Vayikra 25:8 Counting and announcing the years till the Jubilee year
P141 Dvarim 15:3 All debts are annulled in the Sabbatical year, but...
P142 Dvarim 15:3 may exact a debt owed by a foreigner
P143 Dvarim 18:3 The Kohan's due in the slaughter of every clean animal
P144 Dvarim 18:4 On the first of the fleece to be given to the Kohan
P145 Vayikra 27:21, (Cherem vow) one devoted thing to Elohim, other to Kohanim 28
P146 Vayikra 12:21 Slaughtering animals, according to Torah, before eating
P147 Vayikra 17:13 Covering with earth the blood of slain fowl and beast
P148 Dvarim 22:7 On setting free the parent bird when taking the nest
P149 Vayikra 11:2 Searching for prescribed signs in beasts, for eating
P150 Dvarim 14:11 Searching for the prescribed signs in birds, for eating
P151 Vayikra 11:21 Searching for prescribed signs in locusts, for eating
P152 Vayikra 11:9 Searching for the prescribed signs in fish, for eating
P153 Shemot 12:2; Sanhedrin to sanctify New Moon, & reckon yrs & seasons Dvarim16:1
P154 Shemot 23:12 On resting on the Shabbat
P155 Shemot 20:8 On declaring Shabbat Set apart at its onset and termination
P156 Shemot 12:15 On removal of chametz, leaven(ed), on (Nisan 14) Pesach
P157 Shemot 13:8 Tell of Exodus from Egypt 1st night Pesach, (Nisan 15)
P158 Shemot 12:18 On eating Matzah the first night of Pesach, (Nisan 15)
P159 Shemot 12:16 On resting on the first day of Pesach
P160 Shemot 12:16 On resting on the seventh day of Pesach
P161 Vayikra 23:35 Count the Omer 49 days from day of first sheaf Nisan 16
P162 Vayikra 23 21 On resting on Shavuot
P163 Vayikra 23:24 On resting on Feast of Trumpets Rosh HaShannah
P164 Vayikra 16:29 On fasting on Yom Kippur
P165 Vayikra 16:29, On resting on Yom Kippur 31
P166 Vayikra 23:35 On resting on the first day of Sukkot
P167 Vayikra 23:36 On resting on (the 8th day) Shemini Atzeret
P168 Vayikra 23:42 On dwelling in a Sukkah (booth) for seven days
P169 Vayikra 23:40 On taking a Lulav (the four species) on Sukkot
P170 B'midbar 29:1 On hearing the sound of the Shofar on Rosh HaShannah
P171 Shemot 30:12 On every male giving half a shekel annually to Temple -13
P172 Dvarim 18:15 On heeding the Prophets
P173 Dvarim 17:15 On appointing a king
P174 Dvarim 17:11 On obeying the Great Court (Sanhedrin)
P175 Shemot 23:2 On in case of division, abiding by a majority decision
P176 Dvarim 16:18 Appointing Judges & Officers of the Court in every town
P177 Vayikra 19:15 Treating litigants equally/impartially before the law
P178 Vayikra 5:1 Anyone aware of evidence must come to court to testify
P179 Dvarim 13:15 The testimony of witnesses shall be examined thoroughly
P180 Dvarim 19:19 False witnesses punished, as they intended upon accused
P181 Dvarim 21:4 On Eglah Arufah, on the heifer when murderer unknown
P182 Dvarim 19:3 On establishing Six Cities of Refuge (see map attached the city of refuge) Numbers 35:9-15 .
P183 B'midbar 35:2 Give cities to Levites - who've no ancestral land share
P184 Dvarim 22:8 Build fence on roof, remove potential hazards from home
P185 Dvarim 12:2; On destroying all idolatry and its appurtenances 7:5
P186 Dvarim 13:17 The law about a city that has become apostate/perverted
P187 Dvarim 20:17 On the law about destroying the seven Kenaanite nations
P188L Dvarim 25:19 On the extinction of the seed of Amalek
P189L Dvarim 25:17 On remembering the nefarious deeds of Amalek to Israel
P190 Dvarim 20:11 Regulations for wars other than ones commanded in Torah -12
P191 Dvarim 20:2 Kohan for special duties in war; also men unfit return
P192 Dvarim 23:14 Prepare place beyond the camp, so to keep sanitary &... 15
P193 Dvarim 23:15 include a digging tool among war implements
P194 Vayikra 5:23 On a robber to restore the stolen article to its owner
P195 Dvarim 15:8; On to give charity to the poor Vayikra25:35-36
P196 Dvarim 15:14 On giving gifts to a Hebrew bondman upon his freedom
P197 Shemot 22:24 On lending money to the poor without interest
P198 Dvarim 23:21 On lending money to the foreigner with interest
P199 Dvarim 24:13; On restoring a pledge to its owner if he needs it Shemot22:25
P200 Dvarim 24:15 On paying the worker his wages on time
P201 Dvarim 23:25 Employee is allowed to eat the produce he's working in -26
P202 Shemot 23:5 On helping unload when necessary a tired animal
P203 Dvarim 22:4 On assisting a man loading his beast with its burden
P204 Dvarim 22:1; On that lost property must be returned to its owner Shemot23:4
P205 Vayikra 19:17 On being required to reprove the sinner
P206 Vayikra 19:18 On love your neighbor as yourself
P207 Dvarim 10:19 On being commanded to love the convert/proselyte
P208 Vayikra 19:36 On the law of accurate weights and measures
P209 Vayikra 19:32 On honoring the old (and wise)
P210 Shemot 20:12 On honoring parents
P211 Vayikra 19:3 On fearing parents
P212 Beresheet 1:28 On to be fruitful and multiply
P213 Dvarim 24:1 On the law of marriage
P214 Dvarim 24:5 On bridegroom devotes himself to his wife for one year
P215 Beresheet 17:10; On circumcising one's son Vayikra12:3
P216 Dvarim 25:5 If a man dies childless his brother marry widow, or...
P217 Dvarim 25:9 ...release her/the-widow (Chalitzah)
P218 Dvarim 22:29 A violator must marry the virgin/maiden he has violated
P219 Dvarim 22:18 The defamer of his bride is flogged & may never divorce -19
P220 Shemot 22:15 On the seducer must be punished according to the law -23
P221 Dvarim 21:11 Captive women treated according to special regulations
P222 Dvarim 24:1 The law of divorce, only be means of written document
P223 B'midbar 5:15 Suspected adulteress has to submit to the required test -27
P224 Dvarim25:2 On whipping transgressors of certain commandments
P225 B'midbar35:25 On exile to city of refuge for unintentional homicide
P226 Shemot21:20 On beheading transgressors of certain commandments
P227 Shemot21:16 On strangling transgressors of certain commandments
P228 Vayikra20:14 On burning transgressors of certain commandments
P229 Dvarim22:24 On stoning transgressors of certain commandments
P230 Dvarim21:22 Hang after execution, violators of certain commandments
P231 Dvarim21:23 On burial on the same day of execution
P232 Shemot21:2 On the special laws for treating the Hebrew bondman
P233 Shemot21:8 Hebrew bondmaid married to her master or his son, or...
P234 Shemot21:8 ...allow the redemption to the Hebrew bondmaid
P235 Vayikra25:46 On the laws for treating an alien bondman
P236 Shemot21:18 On the penalty for a person inflicting injury
P237 Shemot21:28 On the law of injuries caused by an animal
P238 Shemot21:33 On the law of injuries caused by an pit -34
P239 Shemot21:37 On the law of punishment of thieves -22:3
P240 Shemot22:4 On the law of a judgement for damage caused by a beast
P241 Shemot22:5 On the law of a judgement for damage caused by a fire
P242 Shemot22:6 On the law of an unpaid guardian -8
P243 Shemot22:9 On the law of a paid guardian -12
P244 Shemot22:13 On the law of a borrower
P245 Vayikra25:14 On the law of buying and selling
P246 Shemot22:8 On the law of litigants
P247 Dvarim25:12 Save life of one pursued, even if need - kill oppressor
P248 B'midbar27:8 On the law of inheritance
The 365 Mitzvot Lo Taaseh Negative Commandment:
N 1 Shemot20:3 Not believing in any other Elohim except the One Elohim.
N 2 Shemot20:4 Not to make images for the purpose of worship
N 3 Vayikra19:4 Not to make an idol (even for others) to worship
N 4 Shemot20:20 Not to make figures of human beings
N 5 Shemot20:5 Not to bow down to an idol
N 6 Shemot20:5 Not to worship idols
N 7 Vayikra18:21 Not to hand over any children to Moloch
N 8 Vayikra19:31 Not to practice sorcery of the ov, necromancy
N 9 Vayikra19:31 Not to practice sorcery of yidde'oni, familiar spirts
N 10 Vayikra19:4 Not to study idolatrous practices
N 11 Dvarim16:22 Not to erect a pillar which people assemble to honor
N 12 Vayikra20:1 No figured stones (dias) to lay prostrate on
N 13K2 Dvarim16:21 shalt not plant thee an asherah [grove] of any trees near unto the altar of ADONAI thy Elohim a Babylonian (Astarte)-Kenaanite goddess (of fortune and happiness), she is also refered to by the name queen of Heaven. the supposed consort of Baal, her images. According to Torah Tips studies the teutonic tribes call her Eostre or Eastre from which we derive the pagan term Easter.
N 14 Shemot23:13 Swear not by an idol nor instigate an idolater to do so
N 15 Shemot23:13 Not to divert any non-Jew to idolatry
* Sanh. 63b, 67a. Nazarean Codicil Connections: Matt. 5:34-36; 23:16-22; James 5:18 also see Acts 17:18; 19:26; 1 Cor 8:5; Galatians 4:18 - re belief in foreign gods There are numerous examples of the Talmidim (disciples) destroying the belief structures associated with false gods.
N 16 Dvarim13:12 Not to try to persuade a Jew to worship idols
N 17 Dvarim13:9 Not to love someone who seeks to mislead you to idols
N 18 Dvarim13:9 Not to relax one's aversion to the misleader to idols
N 19 Dvarim13:9 Not to save the life of a misleader to idols
N 20 Dvarim13:9 Not to plead for (defend) the misleader to idols
N 21 Dvarim13:9 Not to oppress evidence unfavorable to the misleader
N 22 Dvarim7:25 No benefit from ornaments which have adorned an idol
N 23 Dvarim13:17 Rebuild not a city destroyed as punishment for idolatry
N 24 Dvarim13:18 Not deriving benefit from property of an apostate city
N 25 Dvarim7:26 Do not use anything connected with idols or idolatry
N 26 Dvarim18:20 Not prophesying in the name of idols
N 27 Dvarim18:20 Not prophesying falsely in the Name of Elohim
N 28 Dvarim13:3-4 Listen not to one who prophesies in the name of idols
N 29 Dvarim18:22 Not fearing or refraining from killing a false prophet
N 30 Vayikra20:23 Imitate not the ways nor practice customs of idolaters
*N 31- N1 Vayikra19:26; Not practicing divination Dvarim18:10 Divination [QASAM ] One who attemts to foretell the future by using omens or talisman, modern methods like the use of tarot cards, palm reading, fortune cookies messages, roling of dice, throwing of "magic" sticks ( similar like the chinese use in the temple) reading of the eight balls. All methods of attempting to conjure the future are prohibited by this mitzvot. see Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 65 and Yoreh Dai'ah 179 Matt 7:10; Mark 1:27; 3:11; 5:13: 6:7; Luke 4:36; 6:18; Acts 5:16; 8:7.
*N 32 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not practicing soothsaying (ONAN OBSERVER OF TIMES !n[ ) obsever of clouds. This would forbid astrology, forecasting of the future by the sky, optical illusion
*N 33 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not practicing enchanting -11 (NACHASH ) Talmud connection shabbat 7; Nazarean Codicil connection: Acts 16:16
*N 34 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not practicing sorcery -11 (QASAPH WITCH ) Talmud connection shabbat 104a Nazarean Codicil connection: Galatians 5:20
*N 35 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not practicing the art of the charmer -11[CHOVER CHAVER] charming is a practice associated with witchcraft see Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 7
*N 36 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not consulting a necromancer who uses the ov (PRACTICE; CONSULTER) (SHA'AL) with familiar spirits [GHOSTS] [OV]-11
*N 37 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not consulting a sorcerer who uses the ydo'a -11 (WIZARD YIDANI) [ familiar spirits]
*N 38 - N1 Dvarim18:10 Not to seek information from the dead, necromancy -11 [DRASH MUUT]
N 39 Dvarim22:5 Women not to wear men's clothes or adornments
N 40 Dvarim22:5 Men not wearing women's clothes or adornments
N 41 Vayikra19:28 Not tattoo yourself, as is the manner of the idolaters
N 42 Dvarim22:11 Not wearing a mixture of wool and linen, Shatnes
N 43 Vayikra19:27 Not shaving the temples/sides of your head
N 44 Vayikra19:27 Not shaving your beard
N 45 Dvarim16:1; Not making cuttings in your flesh over your dead 14:1; Vayikra19:28
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N 46 Dvarim 17:16 Not returning to Egypt to dwell there permanently
N 47N1 B'midbar 15:39 Not to follow one's heart or eyes, straying to impurity
N 48L Shemot 23:32; Not to make a pact with the Seven Kenaanite Nations Dvarim7:2
N 49L Dvarim 20:16 Not to spare the life of the Seven Kenaanite Nations
N 50 Dvarim 7:2 Not to show mercy to idolaters
N 51 Shemot 23:33 No one serving false gods to settle in Eretz-Israel
N 52 Dvarim 7:3 Not to intermarry with one serving false gods
N 53 Dvarim 23:4 Not to intermarry at all with a male from Ammon or Moav
N 54 Dvarim 23:8 Exclude not marrying a descendant Esau if a proselyte
N 55 Dvarim 23:8 Not to exclude marrying an Egyptian who is a proselyte
N 56 Dvarim 23:7 Not permitted to make peace with Ammon and Moav nations
N 57 Dvarim 20:19 Not destroying fruit trees, even in time of war
N 58L Dvarim 7:21 Not fearing the enemy in time of war
N 59 Dvarim 25:19 Not forgetting the evil which Amalek did to us
BLASPHEMY (Yehudah / Nation)
N 60 Vayikra24:16; Not blaspheming the Set apart Name of Elohim [rather]: Shemot22:27
N 61 Vayikra 19:12 Not violating an oath by the Set apart Name, shevuas bittui
N 62 Shemot 20:7 Not taking the Set apart Name in vain, shevuas shav
N 63 Vayikra 22:32 Not profaning the Set apart Name of Elohim
N 64 Dvarim 6:16 Not testing/trying His (YHWH Elohim) promises & warnings Yeshua when being tested by the ha satan the tempter (MattitYahu 4:7) He quoted this verse
N 65 Dvarim 12:4 Do not destroy houses of worship or Set apart books
N 66 Dvarim 21:23 Leave not body of executed criminal hanging overnight
TEMPLE (Yehudah / Kohan)
N 67 B'midbar 18:5 Be not lax in guarding the Sanctuary/(Temple)
N 68 Vayikra 16:2 Kohan haGadol enter Sanctuary only at prescribed times
N 69 Vayikra 21:23 Kohan with blemish enter not Temple, from Altar inwards
N 70 Vayikra21:17 Kohan with a blemish not to minister in the Sanctuary
N 71 Vayikra 21:18 Kohan with temporary blemish minister not in Sanctuary
N 72 B'midbar 18:3 Levites & Kohanim not to interchange in their functions
N 73 Vayikra10:9 Drunk persons may not enter Sanctuary or teach Torah -11
N 74 B'midbar 18:4 A Zar (non-priest) not to minister in Sanctuary
N 75 Vayikra 22:2 Tamei (unclean) Kohan not to minister in Sanctuary
N 76 Vayikra 21:6 Kohan who is tevul yom, not to minister in Sanctuary
N 77 B'midbar 5:3 Tamei (unclean) person not to enter any part of Temple
N 78 Dvarim 23:11 Tamei person enter not camp of Levites (Temple mount)
N 79 Shemot 20:25 Build not an Altar of stones which were touched by iron
N 80 Shemot 20:26 Not to have an ascent to the Altar by steps
N 81 Vayikra 6:6 Not to extinguish the Altar fire
N 82 Shemot 30:9 Offer nothing, but specified incense, on Golden Altar
N 83K2 Shemot30:32 Not to make any oil the same as the Oil of Anointment - not for personal body use - treat as Set apart Kadosh
N 84 Shemot 30:32 Anoint none with special oil except Kohan Gadol & King (see P35) anointing oil consisted of 5 spices (Myrrh, cinnamon, calamus , cassia )and olive oil. Ointment (mishcah)
N 85K2 Shemot 30:37 Not to make incense same as burnt on Altar in Sanctuary
N 86K2 Shemot 25:15 Not to remove the staves from their rings in the Ark
N 87 Shemot 28:28 Not to remove the Breastplate from the Ephod
N 88 Shemot 28:32 Make not any incision in Kohan haGadol's upper garment
N 89 Dvarim 12:13 Offer not sacrifices outside Sanctuary/(Temple) Court
N 90 Vayikra 17:3 Slaughter not consecrated animals outside Temple Court -4
N 91 Vayikra 22:20 Dedicate not a blemished animal to be offered on Altar
N 92 Vayikra 22:22 Not to slaughter a blemished animal as a korban
N 93 Vayikra 22:24 Not to dash the blood of a blemished beast on the Altar
N 94 Vayikra 22:22 Not to burn the inner parts of blemished beast on Altar
N 95 Dvarim 17:1 Not to sacrifice a beast with a temporary blemish
N 96 Vayikra 22:25 Not to offer a blemished sacrifice of a gentile
N 97 Vayikra 22:21 Not to cause a consecrated offering to become blemished
N 98 Vayikra 2:11 Not to offer leaven or honey upon the Altar
N 99 Vayikra 2:13 Not to offer a sacrifice without salt
N100 Dvarim 23:19 Offer not on Altar: "hire of harlot" or "price of dog"
N101 Vayikra 22:28 Not to slaughter an animal & its young on the same day
N102 Vayikra 5:11 Not to put olive oil on the sin meal-offering
N103 Vayikra 5:11 Not to put frankincense on the sin meal-offering
N104 B'midbar 5:15 Not to put olive oil on the jealousy offering, sotah
N105 B'midbar 5:15 Not to put frankincense on the jealousy offering, sotah
N106 Vayikra 27:10 Not to substitute sacrifices
N107 Vayikra 27:26 Not to change sacrifices from one category to the other
N108 B'midbar 18:17 Redeem not the firstborn of permitted (clean) animals
N109 Vayikra 27:33 Not to sell the tithe of the herd of cattle
N110 Vayikra 27:28 Not to sell a devoted (by the Cherem vow) field
N111 Vayikra 27:28 Not to redeem a devoted (by the Cherem vow) field
N112 Vayikra 5:8 Not to split head of bird slaughtered for Sin-offering
N113 Dvarim 15:19 Not to do any work with a dedicated beast
N114 Dvarim 15:19 Not to shear a dedicated beast
N115 Shemot 34:25 Slaughter not Pesach/Passover lamb if chametz is about
N116 Shemot 23:10 Leave not sacrificial portions of Pesach lamb overnight
N117 Shemot 12:10 Allow not meat of Pesach lamb to remain till morning
N118 Dvarim 16:4 No meat of Nisan 14 Festive Offering remain till day 3
N119 B'midbar 9:13 No meat of 2nd Pesach lamb Offering remain till morning
N120 Vayikra 22:30 No meat of Thanksgiving Offering to remain till morning
N121 Shemot 12:46 Not to break any bones of Pesach lamb offering
N122 B'midbar 9:12 Not to break any bones of 2nd Pesach lamb offering
N123 Shemot 12:46 Not to remove Pesach offering from where it is eaten
N124 Vayikra 6:10 Not to bake the residue of a meal offering with leaven
N125 Shemot 12:9 Not to eat the Pesach offering boiled or raw
N126 Shemot 12:45 Not to allow an alien resident to eat Pesach offering
N127 Shemot 12:48 An uncircumcised person may not eat the Pesach offering
N128 Shemot 12:43 Not to allow an apostate to eat the Pesach offering
N129 Vayikra 12:4 Tamei (ritually unclean) person may not eat Set apart things
N130 Vayikra 7:19 Eat not meat of consecrated things that've become Tamei
N131 Vayikra 19:6-8 Not to eat sacrificial meat beyond the allotted time
N132 Vayikra 7:18 Eat not sacrificial meat slaughtered in wrong intention
N133 Vayikra 22:10 A zar/non-Kohan may not eat terumah / (heave offering)
N134 Vayikra 22:10 A Kohan's sojourner or hired worker may not eat terumah
N135 Vayikra 22:10 An uncircumcised person may not eat terumah
N136 Vayikra 22:4 Tamei (ritually unclean) Kohan may not eat terumah
N137 Vayikra 22:12 Bat-Kohan if married to non-Kohan not to eat Set apart food
N138 Vayikra 6:16 Not to eat the Meal-offering of a Kohan
N139 Vayikra 6:23 Eat not Sin-offering meat sacrificed within Sanctuary
N140 Dvarim 14:3 Not to eat consecrated animals that've become blemished
N141 Dvarim 12:17 Eat not unredeemed 2nd corn tithe outside Yerushalayim
N142 Dvarim 12:17 Consume not unredeemed 2nd wine tithe outside Yerushalayim
N143 Dvarim 12:17 Consume not unredeemed 2nd oil tithe outside Yerushalayim
N144 Dvarim 12:17 Eat not an unblemished firstling outside Yerushalayim
N145 Dvarim 12:17 Eat not sin or guilt offerings outside Sanctuary court
N146 Dvarim 12:17 Not to eat the meat of the burnt offering at all
N147 Dvarim 12:17 Eat not lesser sacrifices before blood dashed on Altar
N148 Dvarim 12:17 A zar/non-Kohan is not to eat the most Set apart offerings
N149 Shemot 29:33 A Kohan not to eat First Fruits outside Temple courts
N150 Dvarim 26:14 Eat not unredeemed 2nd tithe while in state of impurity
N151 Dvarim 26:14 Not eating the 2nd tithe while in mourning
N152 Dvarim 26:14 On 2nd tithe redemption money (only for food and drink)
N153 Vayikra 22:15 Not eating untithed produce, tevel
N154 Shemot 22:28 Not changing the order of separating the various tithes
N155 Dvarim 23:22 Delay not payment of offerings, freewill or obligatory
N156 Shemot 23:15 Go not to Temple on pilgrim festivals without offering
N157 B'midbar 30:3 Not to break your word, even if without an oath
N158 Vayikra 21:7 A Kohan may not marry a harlot, zonah
N159 Vayikra 21:7 A Kohan marry not a woman profaned from the Priesthood
N160 Vayikra 21:7 A Kohan may not marry a divorcee
N161- K1 Vayikra 21:14 Kohan haGadol may not marry a widow
N162 - K1 Vayikra 21:15 Kohan haGadol may not take a widow as a concubine
N163 Vayikra 10:6 Kohan with disheveled hair may not enter the Sanctuary
N164 Vayikra 10:6 Kohan wearing rent garments may not enter Sanctuary
N165 Vayikra 10:7 Kohanim leave not Temple courtyard during the service
N166 Vayikra 21:1 Common Kohan must not be defiled for dead, except some
N167 Vayikra 21:11 Kohan haGadol may not be under one roof with dead body
N168 Vayikra 21:11 Kohan haGadol must not be defiled for any dead person
N169 Dvarim 18:1 Levites have not part in the division of Israel's land
N170 Dvarim 18:1 Levites share not in the spoils of war
N171 Dvarim 14:1 Not to tear out hair for the dead
KOSHER DIETARY LAWS (Yehudah / Yisrael)
N172 Dvarim14:7 Not to eat any unclean animal
N173 Vayikra11:11 Not to eat any unclean fish
N174 Vayikra11:13 Not to eat any unclean fowl
N175 Dvarim14:19 Not to eat any creeping winged insect
N176 Vayikra11:41 Not to eat anything which creeps on the earth
N177 Vayikra11:44 Not to eat creeping thing that breeds in decayed matter
N178 Vayikra11:42 Not to eat living creatures that breed in seeds / fruit
N179 Vayikra11:43 Not to eat any detestable creature
N180 Dvarim14:21 Not to eat any animal which died naturally, a nevelah
N181 Shemot22:30 Not to eat an animal which is torn or mauled, a treifah
N182 Dvarim12:23 Not to eat any limb taken from a living animal
N183 - J Beresheet 32:33 Not to eat the sinew of the thigh-vein, gid ha-nasheh
N184 Vayikra 7:24 Not to eat blood
N185 Vayikra 7:23 Not to eat certain types of fat of clean animal, chelev
N186 Shemot 23:19 Not to boil young male goat (meat) in its mother's milk- Dvarim 14:21
N187 Shemot 34:26 Not to eat young male goat cooked in its mother's milk
N188 Shemot 21:28 Not to eat the flesh of a condemned & to be stoned ox
N189 Vayikra 23:14 Eat not bread made from grain of new crop, before Omer
N190 Vayikra 23:14 Eat not roasted grain of new crop, before Omer offering
N191 Vayikra 23:14 Eat not green ears of new crop, before Omer (Nisan 16)
N192 Vayikra 19:23 Not to eat orlah
N193 Dvarim 22:9 Eat not growth of mixed vineyard planting,kilai hakerem
N194 Dvarim 32:38 Not to use wine libations for idols, yayin nesach
N195-N1 Vayikra 19:26; No eating or drinking to excess, gluttony & drunkenness Dvarim21:20
N196 Vayikra 23:29 Not to eat anything on Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement
N197 Shemot 13:3 Not to eat chametz, leaven(ed), on Pesach
N198 Shemot 13:7 Not to eat an admixture of chametz/leaven(ed) on Pesach
N199 Dvarim 16:3 Not to eat chametz, leaven(ed), after noon of 14 Nisan
N200 Shemot 13:7 No chametz may be seen in our homes during Pesach
N201 Shemot 12:19 Not to possess chametz, leaven(ed), during Pesach NAZIRITES
N202 B'midbar 6:3 A Nazir may not drink wine or any beverage from grapes
N203 B'midbar 6:3 A Nazir may not eat fresh grapes
N204 B'midbar 6:3 A Nazir may not eat dried grapes
N205 B'midbar 6:4 A Nazir may not eat grape seeds/kernels
N206 B'midbar 6:4 A Nazir may not eat grape peels/husks
N207 B'midbar 6:7 Nazir may not rend himself Tamei (unclean) for the dead
N208 Vayikra 21:11 Nazir must not become Tamei entering house with corpse
N209 B'midbar 6:5 A Nazir must not shave his hair
AGRICULTURE (Yehudah / Nation)
N210 Vayikra23:22 Reap not a whole field without leaving corners for poor
N211 Vayikra 19:9 Not to gather ears of grain that fell during harvesting
N212 Vayikra 19:10 Not to gather the misformed clusters of grapes
N213 Vayikra 19:10 Not to gather single fallen grapes during the vintage
N214 Dvarim 24:19 Not to return for a forgotten sheaf
N215 Vayikra 19:19 Not to sow diverse kinds of seed in one field, kalayim
N216 Dvarim 22:9 Not to sow grain or vegetables in a vineyard
N217 Vayikra 19:19 Not to crossbreed animals of different species
N218 Dvarim 22:10 Work not with two different kinds of animals together
N219 Dvarim 25:4 Muzzle not animal working field to prevent from eating
N220 Vayikra 25:4 Not to cultivate the soil in the 7th year, shemittah
N221 Vayikra 25:4 Not to prune the trees in the 7th year
N222 Vayikra 25:5 Reap not self-grown plant in 7th year as ordinary year
N223 Vayikra 25:5 Gather not self-grown fruit in 7th yr. as ordinary year
N224 Vayikra 25:11 Not to till the earth or prune trees in Jubilee year
N225 Vayikra 25:11 Reap not aftergrowths of Jubilee year as ordinary year
N226 Vayikra 25:11 Not to gather fruit in Jubilee year as in ordinary year
N227 Vayikra 25:23 Sell not one's Eretz Yisrael land holdings permanently
N228 Vayikra 25:33 Not to sell/change the open lands of the Levites
N229 Dvarim 12:19 Not to leave the Levites without support
N230 Dvarim 15:2 Not to demand payment of debts after (7th) Shmitah year
N231 Dvarim 15:9 Not to refuse loan to poor because Shmitah year is near
N232 Dvarim 15:7 Not to deny charity to the poor
N233 Dvarim 15:13 Not sending a Hebrew bondman away empty-handed
N234 Shemot 22:24 Not demanding payment from a debtor known unable to pay
N235 Vayikra 25:37 Not lending to another Jew at interest
N236 Dvarim 23:20 Not borrowing from another Jew at interest
N237 Shemot 22:24 Not participating in an agreement involving interest
N238 Vayikra 19:13 Oppress not an employee by delaying paying his wages
N239 Dvarim 24:10 Not taking a pledge from a debtor by force
N240 Dvarim 24:12 Not keeping a poor man's pledge when he needs it
N241 Dvarim 24:17 Not taking any pledge from a widow
N242 Dvarim 24:6 Not taking ones's business (or food) utensils in pledge
N243 Shemot 20:13 Not abducting an Israelite
N244 Vayikra 19:11 Not stealing
N245 Vayikra 19:13 Not robbing
N246 Dvarim 19:14 Not fraudulently altering land boundaries / landmarker
N247 Vayikra 19:13 Not usurping our debts / do not defraud
N248 Vayikra 19:11 Not repudiating debts, denying receipt of loan/deposit
N249 Vayikra 19:11 Not to swear falsely regarding another man's property
N250 Vayikra 25:14 Not wronging/deceiving one another in business
N251 Vayikra 25:17 Not wronging/misleading one another even verbally
N252 Shemot 22:20 Not harming the stranger among you verbally
N253 Shemot 22:20 Not injuring the stranger among you in business/trade
N254 Dvarim 23:16 Not handing over a slave who's fled to Israel
N255 Dvarim 23:17 Take no advantage of a slave who's fled to Israel
N256 Shemot 22:21 Not afflicting the orphans and widows
N257 Vayikra 25:39 Not employing a Hebrew bondman in degrading tasks
N258 Vayikra 25:42 Not selling a Hebrew bondman
N259 Vayikra 25:43 Not treating a Hebrew bondman cruelly
N260 Vayikra 25:53 Not allowing a heathen to mistreat a Hebrew bondman
N261 Shemot 21:8 Not selling a Hebrew maidservant. & if you marry her...
N262 Shemot 21:10 ...withhold not: food, raiment, or conjugal rights
N263 Dvarim 21:14 Not selling a captive woman
N264 Dvarim 21:14 Not treating a captive woman as a slave
N265 Shemot 20:17 Not coveting another man's possessions/property, etc.
N266 Dvarim 5:18 Covet not one's possessions, even the desire forbidden
N267 Dvarim 23:26 A worker is not to cut down standing grain during work
N268 Dvarim 23:24 A hired laborer not to take more fruit than he can eat
N269 Dvarim 22:3 Not ignoring lost property to be returned to its owner
N270 Shemot 23:5 Refuse not to help man or animal collapsing with burden
N271 Vayikra 19:35 Not cheating/defrauding with measurements & weights
N272 Dvarim 25:13 Not to possess false/inaccurate weights and measures
JUSTICE (Yehudah / Beit Yisrael)
N273 Vayikra19:15 A Judge is not to commit unrighteousness
N274 Shemot23:8 A Judge is not to accept bribes/gifts from litigants
N275 Vayikra19:15 A Judge is not to favor (be partial to) a litigant
N276 Dvarim1:17 Judge not avoid justice being in fear of wicked person
N277 Vayikra19:15 A Judge not to decide in favor of poor man, out of pity [rather]: Shemot23:3
N278 Shemot23:6 A Judge is not to discriminate against the wicked
N279 Dvarim19:13 Judge not to pity one who killed or caused loss of limb
N280 Dvarim24:17 A Judge not perverting justice due strangers or orphans
N281 Shemot23:1 Judge not to hear one litigant in absence of the other
N282 Shemot23:2 Court may not convict by majority of 1 in capital case
N283 Shemot23:2 Judge accept not colleague's opinion, unless sure right
N284 Dvarim1:17 Not appointing an unlearned judge ignorant of the Torah
N285 Shemot20:16 Not bearing false witness
N286 Shemot23:1 A Judge is not to receive a wicked man's testimony
N287 Dvarim24:16 A Judge receive not testimony from litigant's relatives
N288 Dvarim19:15 Not convicting on the testimony of a single witness
N289 Shemot20:13 Not murdering a human being
N290 Shemot23:7 No conviction based on circumstantial evidence alone
N291 B'midbar35:30 A witness must not sit as a Judge in capital cases
N292 B'midbar35:12 Not killing a murderer without trial and conviction
N293 Dvarim25:12 Not to pity or spare the life of a pursuer
N294 Dvarim22:26 Not punishing a person for a sin committed under duress
N295 B'midbar35:31 Not accepting ransom from an unwitting murderer
N296 B'midbar35:32 Not accepting a ransom from a wilful murderer
N297 Vayikra19:16 Hesitate not to save life of another person in danger
N298 Dvarim22:8 Not leaving obstacles on public or private domain
N299 Vayikra19:14 Not misleading another by giving wrong advice
N300 Dvarim25:2-3 Inflict not more than assigned number lashes to guilty
N301 Vayikra19:16 Not to tell tales
N302 Vayikra19:17 Not to bear hatred in your heart toward your brethren
N303 Vayikra19:17 Not to put one another to shame
N304 Vayikra19:18 Not to take vengeance on another
N305 Vayikra19:18 Not to bear a grudge
N306 Dvarim22:6 Not to take entire bird's nest, mother and her young
N307 Vayikra13:33 Not to shave a leprous scall
N308 Dvarim24:8 Not to cut or cauterize (remove) other signs of leprosy
N309 Dvarim21:4 Plow not a valley where slain body found, eglah arufah
N310 Shemot22:17 Not permitting a witch/sorcerer to live
N311 Dvarim24:5 Take not bridegroom from home in first year of marriage
N312 Dvarim17:11 Not to differ from or disobey the Kohanim and the Judge
N313N1 Dvarim13:1 Not to add to the Mitzvot/commandments of Torah
N314N1 Dvarim13:1 Not to detract from the Mitzvot/commandments of Torah
N315 Shemot22:27 Not to curse a judge
N316 Shemot22:27 Not to curse a ruler
N317 Vayikra19:14 Not to curse any Jew
N318 Shemot21:17 Not cursing parents
N319 Shemot21:15 Not to strike parents
N320 Shemot20:10 Not to work on Shabbat
N321 Shemot16:29 Not to walk beyond permitted limits, eruv, on Shabbat
N322 Shemot35:3 Not to inflict punishment on the Shabbat
N323 Shemot12:16 Not to work on the first day of Pesach
N324 Shemot12:16 Not to work on the seventh day of Pesach
N325 Vayikra23:21 Not to work on Shavuot
N326 Vayikra23:25 Not to work on Rosh HaShannah
N327 Vayikra23:35 Not to work on the first day of Sukkot
N328 Vayikra23:36 Work not 8th-day/Shemini-Atzeret, (after Hoshana Rabba)
N329 Vayikra23:28 Not to work on Yom Kippur / the Day of Atonement
INCEST AND OTHER FORBIDDEN RELATIONSHIPSN330 Vayikra18:7 No relations with one's mother
N331 Vayikra18:8 No relations with one's father's wife
N332 Vayikra18:9 No relations with one's sister
N333 Vayikra18:11 No relations with step-sister
N334 Vayikra18:10 No relations with one's son's daughter
N335 Vayikra18:10 No relations with one's daughter's daughter
N336 Vayikra18:10 No relations with one's daughter
N337 Vayikra18:17 No relations with a woman and her daughter
N338 Vayikra18:17 No relations with a woman and her son's daughter
N339 Vayikra18:17 No relations with a woman & her daughter's daughter
N340 Vayikra18:12 No relations with one's father's sister
N341 Vayikra18:13 No relations with one's mother's sister
N342 Vayikra18:14 No relations with wife of father's brother
N343 Vayikra18:15 No relations with one's son's wife
N344 Vayikra18:16 No relations with brother's wife
N345 Vayikra18:18 No relations with sister of wife, during wife's life
N346 Vayikra18:19 No relations with a menstruant
N347 Vayikra18:20 No relations with another man's wife
N348 Vayikra18:23 Men may not lie with beasts
N349 Vayikra18:23 Women may not lie with beasts
N350 Vayikra18:22 A man may not lie carnally with another man
N351 Vayikra18:7 A man may not lie carnally with his father
N352 Vayikra18:14 A man may not lie carnally with his father's brother
N353 Vayikra18:6 Not to be intimate with a kinswoman
N354 Dvarim23:3 A mamzer may not have relations with a Jewess
N355 Dvarim23:18 No relations (harlotry) with a woman outside marriage
N356 Dvarim24:4 Remarry not your divorced wife after she has remarried
N357 Dvarim25:5 Childless widow marry none except late husbands brother
N358 Dvarim22:29 Divorce not wife, that he has to marry after raping her
N359 Dvarim22:19 Divorce not wife, after falsely slandering her
N360 Dvarim23:2 Man unable of procreation (eunuch) not to marry Jewess
N361 Vayikra22:24 Not to castrate a man or beast
THE MONARCHY (Yehudah King)
N362 Dvarim17:15 Not appointing a king who is not of the seed of Israel
N363 Dvarim17:16 A king not to accumulate an excess number of horses
N364 Dvarim17:17 A king not taking many wives
N365 Dvarim17:17 A king not amassing great personal wealth
Ten commandment category index table content
7 Noachide Rainbow commandment
8:3"He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD.
Torah Teaching and Instruction
or saying of the Shema reciting
613 Mitzvot of the Torah
Mitzvot - Shemot 20 - the Ten Utterances
Study on the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus)
Overview layout illustration of Mishkan
Spiritual understanding of the MiSHKaN (Tabernacle of wilderness)
Shlomo ha Mikdash - Solomen's Temple
Yechezkiel Mikdash / Millennial Temple
Garment of the Kohen Ha Gadol / High Priest with diagram illustrations
the spiritual significant of Shabbat / How to observe the Shabbat?
Traditons of Havdalah - Separation - end of the Shabbat
on Passover Seder and the meal before Pesach
Feast of Tabernacle - Sukkot / Chinese article on Sukkot
Four species for the sukkot wave offering
Feast of Sukkot Sacrificial system in Numbrs 29:12-34
Tribes of Yisrael and the Messianic age
Hadlakat Haneyrot (Tradition of the Candle Lighting Messsianic Siddur)
Blessing Before the Torah Reading
to tie the tzitzit and why need to wear a Tzitzit?
(Women) Spiritual Status in the Divine role
Torah of ADONAI (Tehillim 119 )
to prepare Kosher food and home economy?
“Anti-Soul Food” By Rabbi Rob Miller
Fish Singapore] Fins and Scales fish – Tahor – clean - Daftar ikan
Cooking oil n its Nutrient Values
Kosher food product list sold in Singapore Supermarket
of Salts and usage
Seasoning Sauce and Flavour Enhancer
Why are Sea Cucumber consider Non-Kosher or unclean sea marine animals?
How to begin a Fasting for New Begininers?
Learn Hebrew
Kosher Blogger
information of Bashan
short Scripture study on 2 Shemuel 1
List of Melekhim Shelshim ve Echad / List of 31 gentile kings
The Colours of Rainbow significant from the Noachide Law (Talmud Sanhedrin 58b)
Colours of the Bible
Lechem and Fruit of the vine - in the Time of Malki Tzedak
The 42 Names of ADONAI
The names of
Yaakovs's children of Yisrael entry
to Mitzrayim
Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter talks about Yeshua his Messiah
foreshadowed in the 7 Assemblies
studies on the Messianic Psalms - tehillim
Torah significant of figures 10
studies] The 7 Sefirot Attributes of HaShem
to Wave the Two loaves of Challah
of Weeks - Shavuot include Chart from Pesach-->Countdown 49 day Omer --> Shavuot
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The Studies of the nature of the Branch - Messiah Yeshua - Menorah studies
The Trials of Yeshua Ha Moshiach
There's Just Something About Mary?
study the Hebraic Roots? by Paul Tan dated Feb 2002 (article restore)
Food product with Kosher symbols in Singapore
Baby / Toddler Messianic Booklets by June Yong
The Goodnews written in Luke - Moshiach Yeshua in His Humanity
- Yeshua Film
Seven Opening in Luke 24
the unity of the Ruach in the bond of shalom - One New Man
Parables of Yeshua
concerning Messianic
Fundamental Issues
is Yeshua Ha Moshiach?
Names of Yeshua
unto Salvation in Yeshua from the view of Avrahamic Covenant, Akidah, Pesach view
Promise to the Benai Yishmael - Arab community
Arabs seeking for the Al Masih
calling to all to Teshuvah for the Kingdom of Heaven is offered
The Two Sets of Genealogy of Messiah Yeshua
the Oneness of ADONAI Elohim and the Shema
do Messianic Believer need to be Mikveh Mayim (immersion in Living water)?
Messianic Brit milah (Circumcision) and Hatafat Dam Brit
Feast - Fruit of Vine and Bread
Messianic Fundamental beliefs
Roles of being Elders, overseers Deacons; Messianic Ministers and Rabbis, going for Yeshiva