Make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.
I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof
(Shemot 25:8-9)
Raba Emunatecha!
Great is Thy Faithfulness!
Hodu l’Adonai ki tov
Ki le-olam chasdo
Hodu le Elohei Ha-Elohim
Ki le-Olam chasdo
Hodu Hodu Hodu
Hodu l’Adonai ki Tov
Hodu l ‘Adonai ha-adonim
Ki le-olam chasdo
Oh praise His Name and worship him; Give thanks to YHWH. He is good; give thanks to YHWH. He is good. His mercy last forever. Give thanks to YHWH. He is good. His love endures forever. (Psa 136:1-3)
Holy of Holies |
Worship to know (YDA) YHWH YHWH knows His People by relationship Yochanan 6:44; Eph 2:8-9 Phil 3:14 every Kohen (Goel priest) stands every day doing his service, offering over and over the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. BUT this ONE. After he offered for all time a single SACRIFICE for sins, sat down at the right hand of YHWH Elohim Hebrew 10:12 |
“And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Yeshua had laid” Yochanan 20:12, Miriam had the golden opportunity to gain an insight of the picture of the Mercy seat but she was Too taken up in searching the physical body of Yeshua. Notice the two angels in the verse was sitting down. The Throne of the Mercy Seat was describe in Rev 4:1- 7:17 then the entire Ark of Covenant in Rev 11:19-15:4. Description: Lack of Gold the Veil – parokhet תכרפ “flesh” Messiah’s humanity Jn 1:14; antitype of Messiah had to die before transgressor could have SHaLoM with YHWH ; Pillars often speaks of memorial, a solid foundation, steadfast unmovable; the 4 pillars may symbolize the foundation faith in the 4 Good news (MattiYahu, Mark, Luke, Yochanan) |
Inner Court Fellowship Halakha
Tehillim / Psa 15:2 |
The horns of the altar : on the Yom HaKippurim (10th day of 7th mth) , the Kohen Gadol took some blood on that was used to sprinkle the mercy seat upon the horns of it (Shemot 30:10) this act was to “Kosher it” and hallow it from the uncleanness of the benai Yisrael. The altar also served as a place of expiation for the sins of the priests and the congregation. The sin offering was a compulsory offering covering sins committed unintentionally. It typifies Messiah who was made sin for us (ref Korintos Bet 5:21) |
The golden Altar of incense stands before the throne of YHWH (rev 8:3) as an everlasting Testimony to the prayer of believers whose heart ought to be diligently prepared before YHWH ELoHiM to offer up the sweet incense of prayer. Messiah Yeshua taught us “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” (Mark 14:38) Without prayer, we will become spiritually weak, powerless our halakha (walk) before AdoNaI and unable to be a good testimony to the others. |
Abide in His Word Be a living testimony |
The HaEmes is to entry into the relationship by focusing on Messiah by faith |
The 4 colour symbolize the Messiah. Five is number of YHWH’s grace. And mercy. The 5 pillars may symbolize as the ToRaH which is the 5 books of Moshe. The meaning of ToRaH also means Arrow/ teaching and Instruction, it means we resign from satan’s administration then by faith enter and submit into YHWH ELOHIM’s Administration. The veil of the KoDeSH Place and veil of KaDoSH place mark out the shape of an arrow head á, For the goal at which the ToRaH aims is the MoSHiaCH who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts Him. The pillars speaks of believer grounded on the Word of YHWH, we must hold fast to the truth and not carried away by the winds of doctrines. Haverim, don’t be a spiritual Babes move on to maturity and be ready committed to serve when you are called. Messiah Yeshua describe about himself and also to a believer as a corn of wheat that is grounded, died then bring forth fruit. Those believer who seek to “save your skin” Yeshua describe in vs 25 “he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal” (Yochanan 12:24-26) |
the true worshippers shall worship the Father in SPIRIT (Ruach)and in truth (HaEmes): for the Father seeketh such to worship (Yochanan 4:23) |
The Water i) The crossing of SEA of Reed also signify the water immersion as explained by Sha'ul in Korintos Alef 10:1-2. The Sea of Reed opened so that the Israelite could cross. Why didn't HaSheim lead the Israelite thru the shortest path i.e. in the NORTH without going thru the Southern path that has the RED SEA? Here the SEA speak of immersion (Immersion unto Moshe by Sha UL in 1 Cor 10:2)
ii) The Laver which signify the water washing. Pls note that every Kohanim that serves in the Mishkan had taken mikveh before making the sacrifice of the animals at the Brazen Altar. The Laver is to wash the hands, feet and face due to the blood of the animals. However, pls note these sacrifice are also consider Kadosh unto the YHWH.
iii) The Immersion of HaMayim in Yeshua name were highlighted by Kefa in Acts 2:38-39 but MattiYahu was there with the other Talmidim. How can MattiYaHU who wrote the Goodnews disagreed with Kefa on the Immersion name? |
The Outer Court Relationship establish Cleanse by the Word |
This is He that came by water and blood, [even] MESSIAH YeSHuA; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the RUACH that beareth witness, because the RUACH is TRUTH (HaEmes). For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father (Eloheinu), the Word (Dvar), and the RUACH HAKODeSH: and these THREE are ONE (ECHAD) (Compound Unity). And there are three that bear witness in earth (Eretz), the RUACH, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in ONE (Echad). (1 Yochanan 5:6-8 Messianic Authorized version) |
We also see the emblems of Mikvah mayim (immersion) in action |
The blood i) The Pesah lamb that the Israelite sacrifice in Egypt and the blood being put on the doorpost. ii) The blood of lamb that was shed on the Brazen Altar in the Mishkan of Moshe. iii) The Pesah lamb is our Adonay Yeshua who shed His Blood for us outside the Second Mikdash.The ramp access or altar of earth – no steps, one way ramp only. The ramp was a shadow or picture of Messiah Yeshua ascended up to the High place to make Atonement for us. The word Altar means high place. The sacrifice had to be lifted up on the elevated altar. We can see the Messiah Yeshua being lifted up on the execution stake as our sacrifices. (Yn 3;14) click here see how He had done it for us! |
Mashiach Yeshua is the Lamb of YHWH “Lo (Behold), I come to do Thy will, O YHWH, He taketh away the first, that He may establish the second Hebrew 10:9
one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. (Yn 9:34 compare with Gen 2:21 YHWH perform ops on Adam’s side) |
The only one Way / Derech Entry to the gate is by faith, |
Notice that this gate face East in Yehezkel 8:16 tells us And he brought me into the inner court of the YHWH'S house, and, behold, at the door of Hamidash of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of YHWH, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. When we enter this east gate our back face east which mean to turn our backs from idolatry and come face to face with YHWH. The Tabernacle colouring and worksheet for children "How lovely is Your tabernacle , O LORD of hosts!" PSALM 84:1 |
I believe you first came as the Moshiach Ben Yosef. In my contrite heart, I confess that I have transgress your TORAH, have been living in sinful lives a sinner that has fallen short of your Shekinah.
I am truly sorry and willing to turn away from all my waywardness because you are Holy and Righteous Elohim.
I now come in my Teshuvah* to YOU and boldly I come unto thy throne of grace and obtain mercy. (*confess, repent, return, deliverance). (as stated in Hebrews 4:16)
Please come into my life and be my AdoNaY and my Moshia .
Cleanse me with Your blood of Atonement.
Grant me your grace and mercy to enter into Your Shabbat (rest).
Thank You for doing this according to Your Dvar
I am looking forward to your soon return as Moshiach Ben David in the cloud.
If you have the conviction and by faith taken the step to pray this prayer, HaShem has made this wonderful promised for you with the following Scriptures.
Weight and
measurement and length
(our beloved brother Darryl Skytta and Sister Elaine
Ransom has Tabulated for easy viewing.)
The Sanctuary and feast English / Thai language
A) The Anointing OIL has to be applied on the Kohanim before they are allowed to enter the Holy Place (Shemot 29:7, 21).
Here, the Anointing OIL is also a type of the Ruach HaKodesh (breath of HaSheim).
B) Based on Lev 24:2, to light the Menorah once and ensure that the light continually burning with oil. This fire to light the Menorah came from the outer court.
Lev 24:2 "Command the Benai Yisrael that they bring to you clear oil from beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually.
Table – Shulchan םינפ Shulchan Lechem Panim – These 12 loaves represent the 12 tribes of Yisrael. If look at the bread the wine does this remind us of the scene Avraham’s encounter of Malki-Tzedek (קדצ-יכלמ) Melech (ךלמ) Shalem (םלש) brought forth lechem (םחל) and yayin (ןיי): and he was the kohen (ןהכ) of El Elyon. ןוילע לא (Beresheet 14:18). The bread was eaten by Aharon and his sons and was replaced every week on Shabbat. Today believer take the bread and wine to remember of Messiah Yeshua’s body sacrifice for us and the blood that Atone for our sins until He return
Veil – parokhet תכרפ also spelled as vaill, “flesh” Messiah’s humanity Jn :14 antitype of Messiah had to die before Transgressor could have Shalom with YHWH it separated the Kadosh place and the Kadosh Kadoshim (the Holy of Holies). It was a barrier between YHWH and man (Adam) due to sin of man. Once a year Kohen Aharon would enter the most Holy Place and Holy of Holies through this vail.
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